LinkedIn lead generation simplified and automated.

LinkedIn drives 90% of B2B leads. What if you could automate your LinkedIn lead strategy to get better results?

Try Neebify for Free

Import your LinkedIn leads

LinkedIn is the largest B2B network with over 800 million profiles, making it easy to find your next client. Now, prospecting on LinkedIn is easier than ever.

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Automatically send invitations to your prospects

Connect with up to 200 people weekly automatically. Your network grows quickly, and new opportunities follow.

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Automatically send follow-ups to your contacts

LinkedIn is the best B2B database in the world. With over 700 million profiles, finding your future client is now a breeze. Now, so is your LinkedIn prospecting.

Free Trial

Automate. Scale it uup.

LinkedIn is the best B2B database in the world. With over 700 million profiles, finding your future client is now a breeze. Now, so is your LinkedIn prospecting.

Free Trial

Launch your campaign. Find customers. In a flash.

80% of B2B leads generated on social media come from LinkedIn. Imagine if you could put your LinkedIn leads strategy on autopilot.

Try Neebify for Free